Yr Iesu a groeshoeliwyd

(Cān plentyn)
Yr Iesu a groeshoeliwyd
  Ar fynydd Calfari,
Fu gynt yn blentyn egwan
  Mor fychan ā myfi;
Holl ddeddf ei dad a gadwodd
  O'i le ni wyrodd gam,
Dangosodd yn ddibechod
  Ufudd-dod pur i'w fam.

Plant bychain pan y gwelsant
  Ogoniant Brenin ne',
Hosana gyd-seiniasant
  O foliant iddo fe;
Yn awr ymroddaf finnau
  Ar foreu dydd y daith,
Trwy gymhorth Iesu hawddgar,
  Yn gynnar at y gwaith.
David Thomas (Dafydd Ddu o Eryri) 1759-1822

[Mesur: 7676D]

gwelir: Son am y plant rhinweddol

(Children's Song)
Jesus was crucified
  On the mount of Calvary,
When once he was a weak child
  As small as I;
His Father's whole law he kept
  From his place he veered not a step,
He showed sinlessly
  Pure obedience to his mother.

Little children, when they saw
  The glory of the king of heaven,
Hosanna, they sounded together
  Of praise unto him;
Now I too shall devote myself
  At the morn of the day of the journey,
Through the help of beautiful Jesus,
  Early to the work.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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